Expression of Interest at CSM

An international network of schools located in Iraqi-Kurdistan

Home » Enrollment » Admission


Students at CSM will enrol from different public and/or private schools and/or from outside the country. Enrollment criteria differ for each type

Public Schools
Grades 2-9
1- Will depend on the passing grade for each subject
2- Will depend on the equalization letter from the Equalization Office at the Ministry of Education
Grades 10-12
There is no acceptance for students at this level


International Schools in the country and outside the country
Grades 2-8
1- Will depend on the passing grade for each subject
2- Will depend on the equalisation letter from the Equalization Office at the Ministry of Education

Grades 9-12
1- Will depend on the credits earned in the previous school
2- Will depend on the passing grade for the earned credits
3- Will depend on the equalisation letter from the Equalization Office at the Ministry of Education

    In all the different cases, grade one new enrollment must follow the age criteria. Re-enrollment to CSM has the same regulations as new Students. Students will be considered as new candidates when reenrolling.

    Age of Entrance

    The age for admission to CSM follows the Ministry of Education requirements.
    A child must be
    • Four years old to attend Prekindergarten
    • Five years old to attend Kindergarten
    • Six years old to attend First grade
    • Seven years old to attend Second grade
    • Eight years old to attend Third grade
    • Grade four through grade Eight depend on the transfer letter and the grade coming from
    • Grade nine and above depend on the credits that have been earned and the passing grade for each subject

    Students will be admitted to CSM upon the completion of

    a. An entrance exam
    b. Admissions interview
    c. Completing admissions file
    d. Completing financial payments
    e. An approval Letter from MOE for foreign students

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    Expression of Interest Form for the Classical School of the Medes

    Photography & Filming Consent

    During the academic year, the school may take photographs, film videos, webcam recordings, and/or voice recordings (Materials) of the students. Such Materials may be filmed by the school during school hours and regular classrooms, school events, CSM events, activities promoting school programs or promoting CSM sporting events, classroom events and/or additional school or regional activities, or as part of general testimonials or provided by the student or the parent and shared with the School. The Materials may be used in marketing campaigns with goals and purposes including but not limited to promoting the School and CSM, their educational products, and activities including extra- curricular activities (Purpose). These Materials may be used in digital and print format through CSM Educational Services SAL and on school websites, social media pages, news bulletins, billboards, newsletters and ads and may be shared with other CSM companies and CSM member Schools in the Network to be used for the Purpose. Please provide your response by selecting your choice below:

    Information About Guardians

    Kindly note that the father is the legal guardian unless official documents are presented & approved by the school lawyer.

    How did you hear about the school?

    Emergency Contact (other than guardian)

    Placement Test


    I, the Guardian, confirm all the above details to be correct